Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Been awhile since i last posted. Completed Level 1 Krav Maga Cert but have been going as much lately as I would like due to health reasons - migraine, back, shoulder, you name it. Been trying different forms of healing and supplements, all with varying degrees of success - mostly little to none. Started seeing a migraine specialist that includes physical therapy and botox injections in my neck and head - seems to have cut down significantly on the migraines. Starting a yoga class tonight - hopefully the stretching will help.
I'm scheduled to test for Krav level 2 next month. I havent been going to the gym much, the equipt there is really subpar, however, a new gym is opening up next month in the same location as the last one. I may join that one if it checks out.
Started teaching Approach classes with Dennis on Sundays, that's going well even if it is only 1 student.
John stepped down as organizer for the Orlando Martial Arts Meetup Group and I dont have plans to keep it up and going. just got too expensive to maintain.  I will just keep the Facebook page going.
Bob Otto is starting his Krav classes back up. Good to hear but just too far of a drive for me.
Elite Krav Maga where I've been going is opening a new and larger location just down the road.
Training there is tough for me however, the cardio is killing me and makes my technique suffer, makes me dread going most days. Hopefully when i get back into going regularly my cardio will pick up.

I'm still training Balintawak  with Josh whenever he is in town, I enjoy the reflexive response training as it carries over into all my other training. Since Josh moved to Colorado he can only be here once a year though starting next year he may be able to come to Orlando every 3 months.

One more observation - I would have liked to start a VPPG group (Rory Millers concept of Violence Prone Play Group).  A group where you can pressure test techniques and assumptions, I tried this a couple of times, both started with people who had no or very little martial training and it always devolved into a teacher/student role instead of a mutual discovery role. Instead it became - "teach me what you know. Are we going to do any sparring?". The student always has presumptions about what they think they need which usually isn't what they need. If I ask to train with those with martial art experience their expectations are always colored by their 'koolade training'. It's as important, if not more so, to find a good training partner as it is a teacher.

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