Tuesday, May 12, 2015

It's been awhile since I last posted. Dealt with some back injuries but learned a lot in the process of healing about healing. Wish I had know these things when I was younger, it would have saved me less pain later on.

No more MBC it seems in order to accommodate the Fundamentals Krav Class. I still go when i can once or twice a week. My gym closed their doors so i joined anytime fitness. Scaled back on my workouts until i fully heal. Suffice to say Chiro and Acupuncture didnt work but the deep tissue massage certainly did.

I see my journey in martial arts more clearly than i ever have before. There is a distinction between self-defense and the "art" as in martial arts and most people don't see this. I'm only finding this distinction realized by a small handful of people. Some LEOs/SWAT - 'some' - not most. Corrections officers, combat military personnel, border patrols most will, Spec Ops and other Operators certainly will. Those that have lived that life and have lived to tell - certainly.

The distinction is this: Martial Arts as they are taught in our modern age will not prepare you for self-defense and certainly not for combat though some "arts" are more realistically focused than others.  Most of these live in a combat fantasy that never quite matches up to the reality of combat because
1. They don't learn from those who have 'been there and done that'
2. They rely on supposed sources of authority who have never been or learned from those who have 'been there and done that'.
3. They have never 'been there and done that'.

....and so we see martial artists being taught techniques that once made sense centuries ago when samurai wore armor, before the age of firearms, before it was illegal to carry weapons with a permit, when you needed to punch or use a knife a certain way to penetrate or find the openings in armor or stand a certain way while fighting on a rocking ship at sea, or if you didnt own a horse how to train to ride one, the list goes on. Locked into tradition they will never discover the truth of combat. They will play at war but never experience war so they take comfort in the fact that their presumptions will never be tested. They will play because its something they enjoy whatever their motivations - cultural, legacy, the kinesthetic joy of movement and learning, an ego driven desire to impress others...whatever the motivation is therein lies their art.

There is much more but Im done ranting for now...until next time.